FaxPress Premier WebHelp: User Guide > Setting Personal Preferences > Setting Default Phone Books

Setting Default Phone Books

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The Phone Books tab allows you to select the phone book the Address Fax option will initially display when used to address faxes. See Sending Faxes for more information.


To specify the default phone book for the current server, click on the appropriate radio button:

FaxPress Phone Book— You can chose to display from the Address Fax window either all the members in your Local FaxPress Enterprise Phone Book or a Corporate FaxPress Enterprise Phone Book, or select a specific group with the phone book. All the available options can be selected from the scroll down list.
Database Phone Book— You can chose to display from the Address Fax window a specific database phonebook view from either your Local External Database Phone Books or a Corporate External Database Phone Book. All the available options can be selected from the scroll down list.
Exchange/Microsoft Outlook contact lists—This option allows you to display your Microsoft Outlook contact lists when using the Address Fax window.

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Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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